Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Drinks Jokes and Storytelling - Geno Vento of Geno's Steaks A Philly Staple

 Who said 69? Duh. Check out this episode while we count down to our NEXT SEASON on SEPT 15! Chef, TV personality, owner of Geno’s Steaks and most loyal friend a guy could have, Geno Vento, appropriately guests on episode 69 and is subsequently dubbed “The King of 69.” They talk empty streets, Geno’s disdain for folks capitalizing on misfortune during quarantine, and cheese fry delivery. And Mark may or may not have taught his sons to start fires. #eatlocal #genos #genossteaks #phillyphood #DJS Mark Riccadonna Comedian & StorytellerRichie Byrne Geno Vento