DAY 1 The Netherlands
The first day was a lot of fun, it actually was 2 days smushed into one. I am going to pop this out there.
The photos are out of order on this blog.
Text in black
Captions in red.. We still good?
This is a lake Parker and I saw as we hiked through the woods. Netherlanders love their hiking!
Here is the Shin Gang: Mark, Carol, Leigihan, Hitler sam(who is grabbing leigihan’s butt), Me Parker and Rich
Today’s flight was quite a tiring one- let me explain.
1st my flight to Atlanta got canceled the night before the gig, so we road tripped.
I got back to Jerz filmed (Drop Dead Twice) 2 days then drove to Ohio (hung with 4 generations of family) back then to JFK to head to Brussels.
I didn’t sleep much on the flight. In fact barely at all, we got off the plane and was surprised to see we are taking a tour bus.. like a celebrity tour bus.
We got to the hotel and had it to ourselves. Parker and I decided to take a hike in the woods and see the land. It was beautiful. It kind of reminded me of central Pennsylvania. The woods are full of trails that break off into other paths. We saw people on 4 wheelers, bikes, and horses. At one moment I heard something off in the distance, a horse must have got loose and took off, and it ran by us with a saddle and no one on it. I was tired and didn’t want to show off my superpowers, so I let them go. There was a fantastic lake with powder-soft sand. There where some people camping and swimming. When we walked back, a car pulled up to parker and i. It was two Dutch girls in swimsuits, and they spoke to us in Dutch. I laughed and looked at parker and said two kinds of movies start like this… Porno and slasher flick, and if this is a porno, I will be slashed when I get home!
It was now show-time. I went and showered up then met up with our leader Mark Bogges. We loaded on the bus (I forgot to introduce you to our bus driver Rico) and went to the base Schinnen. Its an army air forces base- and it was mixed countries- I think it has of had something to do with NATO. We chowed on great lasagna and hung out, waiting for the show to start. We found out the colonel who ran the base was leaving soon and it was her birthday, we had a lot of fun with her, Col. Sumter. The show was great, and we got plaques. The gang decided to take us out to eat and drinks downtown Herlen. It was a very hip cool area.
Here is our Tour Bus- these guys carted Willy Nelson, Paul McCartney, Sinatra, and Sammy around Europe. I think this el do!