Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Political rant.. and puppies!

I don't like talking about politics, but I do care about the human condition.

I'm going to state my rant- add funny stuff, so we don't get too serious... deal.... deal.

And a cute puppy to soften the serious message.
When will we pull together and work for the common good? Watching the news- Platoon- Born on the 4th of July. I get anxiety, I can't sleep, I wonder, "How do we not see it" How does the American government not notice and how does the public not care. We are being taken advantage of- we are being ripped off, and its been going on since time began. I guess I wouldn't mind so much – if we were told- but there is a false sense of security, emotion, patriotism, and care for the common good and for less fortunate people.

How are cancer patients or anyone with illness not taken care of for free- and IMMEDIATELY! How come men who fight for this country are told they will be heroes, and if they get wounded, they are not (or poorly) taken care of… at their own expense. What is with our country's health care compared to other countries, I thought we were one of the wealthiest countries in the world? Countries in the middle east have health care for their citizens and servants from other countries that work for them... That's fucked up. We cant even take care of our own... Especially our warrior class.

He would be better in office than most.

How do politicians sleep? How do they live with themselves and most of all look their families in the eyes and say- I'm doing the best I can for the people who need it and put me in this position to do so…. And they ARE doing the best they can for THEM- keeping all the money they can to stay in their hands (taking money in for hibernation). 70% of all the money in the world is controlled by 15% of the people, pretty creepy, huh?

And a baby!

I say if you want to run this country - you need to help it run and serve a mandatory 4 years in the military. No One can be in the political class without serving first. Politicians are what's wrong with this country. People who don't know better-telling, everyone, they can make it better. How about we run the country under the idea of "THE GOLDEN RULE".. Put yourself in the person position before you vote on things instead of thinking how will this affect ME.

This is sad and real.

This brings me to the next question….. How much is enough? When does a company making profits decide to stop cutting corners, laying off people, and doubling leftover employee's work? Stop giving raises to CEO's who already make wealthy salaries? Or moving to countries to pay employees less?

There needs to be a cap on Salaries in congress, and for companies. These people aren't looking out for anyone other than themselves.    

Working-class and/or lower class people seem to not matter anymore. What are the salaries of: A senator? Farmer? Factory worker? Soldier? Now.. then... in 1890? Compare it to CEO's of companies 

Beard Bars Fest

We need a solution, we need answers- We need to keep the working class alive and stop listening to idiots who aren't looking out for us. If you serve in The US Military, you should not have to pay taxes. You paid your dues to be in this country club. Taxes are like dues to be a part of this "country" club. You want to use the cool stuff our country club has to offer- pay your dues.

I am not only talking about taxes- pitch in and pay your dues of being an American!

Baby Drop off
If you don't like paying taxes- get to a different country club. This isn't a democrat, republican, conservative, liberal thing. It is a "be a good person" thing. Instead of finding an example of someone taking advantage of the system- find the case of the person who needs it. 

You always hear -If I just changed 1 person's life.. my job is done... Well, congress starts thinking this way! People bitch about people taking advantage of the system.. Would you trade places with that person? Then stop complaining. Let's help each other as Americans, not as political enemies.

They should make this book for husbands and wives just about how gross you were before meeting you.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Haunted New Orleans part 2

Who you going to call? No, this is where King Creole was filmed.

All boys home (orphanage) now hotel.. guests still hear children running around.

Leaches: not Anna Nicole Smith
Dr. Dupas:

Downeys chemistry set
The New Orleans Pharmacy Museum is located on Chartres Street in New Orleans, Louisiana. Dr. Louis Duffulo was a physician and the first registered pharmacist in the United States. He built the townhouse in 1823 and practiced there for 35 years. What a fine citizen. Helping man-kind, he was such a wonderful man. That Walgreen’s decided to turn his place into the pharmacy museum.

When he died, Dr. Dupas purchased the building- There goes the neighborhood. People would go into the building, but never come out. On the second floor of the building, Dr. Dupas would conduct experiments on pregnant slaves, gut and examine, test medicine/experiments on people that had diseases with no diagnosis.
Dr. Dupas also made potions that were a mixture of voodoo ingredients, herbal remedies, and modern medicines that were to come from Europe. These potions were given in large doses without any regard to side-effects. The female slaves that received them suffered significant birth defects and usually resulted in the death of many mothers. Legend has it that Dr. Dupas dumped the bodies of these people through a trap door on the second floor, where there was a wagon waiting in the carriageway on the left side of the building. It is also inferred from this that bodies were snuck in the building by the same means.


Angie asked the tour guide if we were going to hunt Dracula’s. He asked, “Do You mean vampires... You are in the wrong country....” This is taken from a web site explaining Who The hell Jacques Saint Germain is.

Eternally young, irresistibly beautiful yet deadly. VAMPIRES- In Europe, vampire epidemics have been reported as recently as the 1930s. And as early as- a former European colony, it should come as no surprise that Louisiana would have its own legends concerning the undead.
The most remarkable legend is that of Saint Germain. Making his first appearance in the court of aristocrats by regaling them with events from his “life.” An alchemist by trade, he claimed to have the “elixir of life” and to have been over six thousand years old.
Contemporary accounts from the time record that despite being amid many banquets and invited to the finest homes, he never ate at any of them. After a while, he left the French court and moved to Germany, where he was reported to have died. However, people continued to spot him throughout Europe even after his death.

Germain’s house we debunked this by stopping by the next day and people where there
In 1903, a handsome and charismatic young Frenchman named Jacques Saint Germain, claiming to be a descendant of the Count, arrived in New Orleans, taking residence in a house at the corner of Royal and Ursuline streets.
Possessing an eye for the ladies (like every NOLA man), Jacques was seen on the streets of the French Quarter on a nightly basis, with a different lady on his arm every single night... Hookers.
One night a woman’s piercing scream was heard coming from Jacques’ French Quarter home.... a bad cry, not a good one. The scream was quickly accompanied by the woman herself, who flung herself from the second story window, to land on the street below. As bystanders rushed to the aid of the young woman, she told them how Saint Germain attacked and bit her, and that she jumped out of the window to escape... ahhh that old story.
She died later that evening at Charity Hospital in New Orleans. By the time the New Orleans police kicked in the door of Saint Germain’s home, he had escaped. However, what they did find was disturbing nonetheless, large bloodstains in the wooden flooring, but even wine bottles filled with human blood.
The house was declared a crime scene and sealed off. From that evil night to the present day, no one lives in that home in the French Quarter.
It is private property, and all taxes have been paid to date, but no one has been able to
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